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Flow Play Teacher and Parent Training

Flow Play Method: teach children English (age 6-10)

2.400/ 12 modules
  • for homeschooling parents and teachers in elementary school
  • requested level A2
  • focus enable kids to speak & grow vocabulary
  • study time 12 modules: weekly 2h-lessons
  • add-on Flow Play teaching method
  • materials handbook + Flow Play year lesson plan
  • objective get certified and invest in your and your children's future

Flow Speaking Pro

English fluency for teachers and professionals

625 [4 weeks]
  • professional English for work and teaching
  • requested level intermediate
  • focus speaking with confidence, pronunciation & fluency
  • study time 4 weeks of 1h30 courses + 2 1:1 sessions (30 min)
  • add-on formal English register & universal English
  • materials lesson handouts + audios with personal pronunciation feedback
  • objective level assessment and level upgrade

Flow Friends

Conversation Sessions

12/ 1h group lesson
  • for adults - English speaking skills
  • requested level intermediate
  • study time weekly 1h training
  • objective improve your SPEAKING level
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